I'm a bit bored today, waiting on some figures from a banker and getting ready for an overseas trip so I've been watching the Sealy IPO. (Readers will recall I wrote about the proposed IPO of Sealy and the buyout by Kohlberg Kravis & Roberts that preceeded it last month). Wow. Just for giggles I put together this cute spreadsheet that tracks KKR's cash v. paper return on the transaction from a tool I had used for a similar transaction (but much smaller) that we were involved in. It pulls the current stock price and gives a nice summary of the IRR. Cute. Fun for the whole family.
I haven't gone deeply into the assumptions (for example, I don't know exactly what deal the shareholders cut with the underwriters, I can't tell how much of the recap fees paid to KKR and Bain were profit v. compensation for advisory expenses incurred by KKR, and the schedule for management fee payments to KKR isn't clear) but I suspect it's pretty close. Now I can track KKR's various IRRs in real time. (Screenshot below).
Interesting to note: Yahoo! Finance is tracking Sealy (NYSE: ZZ) just fine. Google Finance, however, doesn't even recognize the ticker. Tut tut. Someone at Google is going to need job security. I wonder if it's the same person.