It is simply amazing sometimes to compare different publications and their take on the news. More so when international borders are thrown into the mix. Usually, it seems to be political leanings that fix the timber of headlines, so it's amusing when it's something else. Like cultural views on regulation. So we aren't surprised when CNN highlights the White House connection (and the article is found just below the leader "Man With Sword Mistakes Porn for Rape"), when the Wall Street Journal points to the capitalist personality, Paulson, in its lead, when Fox News makes it all about promises and commitment, and when the Financial Times is in its own little world.
Wall Street Journal: "Paulson-led Group Suggests No New Hedge Fund Regulation."
CNN: "White House group: Hedge Funds Need No New Rules."
Fox News: "Government Pledges Vigilance Over Hedge Funds."
Financial Times: "U.S. Hedge Funds Face New Guidelines."