Today, some frequent short-bus patron I had never heard of over at "Portfolio," Conde Nast's new business rag, packed my already quite corpulent mailbox with 5.2 megabytes of unsolicited high-resolution color copy of the Conde cover. This prompts me to wonder which is less "intelligent," sending 8,432,928 pixels to people who have little or no interest in your magazine, using a flagging travel publication "empire" to found a new monthly business publication, or putting a bunch of hideous downtown rooftops bathed in the caustic acid of sodium lights on a business magazine cover that doesn't even have the grace to contain a feature article on the financial performance of local roofing contractors or sodium light distributors (don't miss the article on the "Zen of Fly Fishing" though).
Oh no, I get it. I see that someone was trying to be clever and suggest it was a top down view or perhaps even a "view from the top." Not clever. Sorry.
If (when) the articles are boring you can head over to the website's "Jock Exchange." No, not a athletic supporter market (that's what I thought too), but rather a market for supporters of athletes. Fortunately, the website also has a piece titled "Table for One: Where to Eat Unaccompanied in New York," a missive you will definitely want to avail yourself of if your friends happen to descry you reading Portfolio. Note to Long or Short Capital: Short Portfolio in your portfolio.