Aleablog is a new found favorite, unsurprisingly introduced to me, repeatedly since I started blogging, by the always yummy Abnormal Returns. And, I suppose, this marks a good point, at the risk of being accused of pandering, to tell an Abnormal Returns story. As long-time Going Private readers might imagine, in person I am quite jealous of the online financial resources I read and cite here, lest my sharing them with a co-worker lead them by reciprocated hyperlink to my online abode here and present the beneficiaries of my link-generosity with familiar narratives that put the pieces together and lead to awkward questions in the halls of Sub Rosa. I occasionally break this rule with Laura, "The Debt Bitch," but I have my reasons. First, because she wouldn't really care. Second, because she can keep a secret- if only because I have far more dirt on her than she on me. Third, because she would probably enjoy the blog. In any event, I (foolishly perhaps) introduced her to Abnormal Returns. As such, dear readers, you will be able to draw your own conclusions, based on what you know of The Debt Bitch, and Abnormal Returns, from the email reproduced below:
From: Laura The Debt Bitch
To: Equity Private
Subject: Re: Abnormal Returns
Well, fuck me in a suit!
Where did you find this? Who writes it? A guy? Do you know him? Is it wrong that I fantasize about laying naked across his warm, boxer-brief clad body, listening to him breathe as he completes a linkfest on yield curves and ETFs in a king-size bed illuminated only by the backlit LCD screen and the muted flat panel display on the wall facing the foot of the bed? I kind of picture him as a ThinkPad guy, but I suppose a MacBook could be in the cards too. 'ThinkPad / Think Different' those are pretty close right? So my fantasy, that's just kind of sick, right? And, yes, boxer briefs. Boxers don't show anything worth looking at and briefs just make me think of French-Canadians in Speedos. Yuck. He's not French-Canadian, is he?
Is he married?
>Equity Private wrote:
>You should really take a look at Abnormal Returns. Trust me. It's you.
Of course, I ignored her email. What reply could I send that would have any upside?
This as a rather indirect way to point out that Aleablog is a digital venue after my own heart. Seriously, how could I not be enraptured with an outlet that highlights the propensity of human systems to be gamed (a subject very much after my own heart)? And cites no less than Charlie Munger (256kB .pdf) to do it?
I wonder if it's one guy who writes the whole blog?
What do you think I would look like laying naked across his warm, boxer-brief clad body, listening to him breathe as he completes a piece on asymmetric information and abnormal returns in a king-size bed illuminated only by the backlit LCD screen and the muted flat panel display on the wall facing the foot of the bed?